Symposium: Electronic monitoring, Current situation, current knowledge






Scientific and organisational committee

Annie KENSEY (Ministry of Justice, DAP); Laurence DUMOULIN (CNRS-Pacte); René LEVY (CNRS-Cesdip); Christian LICOPPE (Telecom ParisTech)




This international and interdisciplinary symposium aims to take stock of the current situation and current knowledge concerning both fixed and mobile electronic monitoring (EM). The organisers of a symposium held in Freibourg1 in 2004 discussed the question of electronic monitoring's future in Europe. Ten years later, it is clear that EM has developed, integrated new technological possibilities (including particularly GPS technology) and gained ground, both in Europe and in other regions of the world like Asia. 

In parallel, research and thought processes about placing people under electronic monitoring have developed in disciplines classically interested in punishment2 like penal sociology or criminology but also in other sectors of sociology – such as scientific and technical sociology (STS) – or in other disciplines such as political science, anthropology etc.

On these two fronts, it thus seems that the time has come to evaluate both the policies and usage practices of fixed (tagging) or mobile (tracking) EM and also the scientific approaches that this provokes along with the issues it raises. Certain of these questions were addressed from the beginnings of the use of EM and remain of current interest, such as those of the extension of monitoring in control societies; of the spread of punishment in society or even of the re-composition of professional practices of prison wardens and probation officers. Other newer issues have appeared, such as the appearance of new professions in the field of remote monitoring carried out by operators, the reconfiguration of space and mobility for those kept under surveillance etc. Although the extension of the device and the diversification of its uses are undeniable, the breadth, intensity, significance and effects of its use remain to be documented.


Six transversal axes, six thematic leads seem to us particularly heuristic and these will constitute the basis of the symposium sessions:


  1. Electronic monitoring as a solution to public action:

How can the spread of this device be explained? Which people and groups play a role in the origin, promotion and circulation of this penal solution? Can the international or transnational spaces that contribute to the promotion of this device be detected? What are the possible tactics and strategies of resistance to the development of this type of punishment?


  1. Electronic monitoring as a socio-technical device:

To what extent is electronic monitoring a boundary object around which different types of participants, approaches, values and interests are translated and put into networks? How does it provide a view of the logics of co-production and hybridization of penal and technical standpoints? In reality, how does the material nature of the device influence the ways in which this sentence outside prison is served, viewed and experienced?


  1. Electronic monitoring as a market:

Electronic bracelets represent a market in which individuals, manufacturers, suppliers and consultants have interests and provide structured offers. What roles do these stakeholders play? What are their relations with the public authorities who use electronic monitoring?


  1. Electronic monitoring as it is experienced:

How are electronic monitoring practices experienced by those under surveillance, their families and their entourage in broader terms? What place do such practices take up in the economy of interpersonal and family relationships and friendships? How do they contribute to reconstructing these relationships?


  1. Electronic monitoring as a sentence:

Electronic monitoring sentences are intertwined with other available measures and modes of penalties - does electronic monitoring impinge on liberty, on prison or on other alternative criminal penalties like day parole for example? How do the effects of electronic monitoring compare with those of other forms of punishment particularly insofar as the question of repeat offences and leaving delinquency behind is concerned?


  1. Electronic monitoring as a surveillance device:

The electronic bracelet is a surveillance device whose usage is spreading into ordinary daily environments, particularly the domestic sphere. How does electronic monitoring fit into broader questions of the traceability of individuals in today's so-called surveillance societies?


Speakers may present subjects linked to different social sciences disciplines as long as these are based on empirical research and quantitative or qualitative methods.


The symposium will take place on January 11th, 12th and 13th 2016 at Telecoms ParisTech (Paris, 13e). Speakers will be invited but the symposium as a whole will be open to the public.

1 Mayer M., Haverkamp R., Lévy R., (eds.), Will Electronic Monitoring have a Future in Europe?, Freiburg-im-Breisgau, Max-Planck-institut für ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht, Édition Iuscrim, 2003.

2Nellis M., Beyens K., Kaminski D., (eds), Electronically Monitored Punishment: International and Critical Perspectives, Abington/New York, Routledge, 2013.




Le bracelet électronique : état des lieux, état des savoirs

Electronic monitoring : current situation, current knowledge





Durée des présentations : 40 minutes suivies de 15 mn de discussion.

Length of presentations : 40 minutes, followed by 15 mns of discussion


Langues de travail : français et anglais, sans traduction

Working languages : French and English without translation


Lundi 11 janvier 2016 /Monday 11th January 2016

13.00 : accueil/Welcome

13.30-14.00 : Ouverture du colloque et mots de bienvenue/Opening and introduction

14.00-17.15 : La surveillance électronique : perspectives générales/Electronic monitoring : general perspectives

  • J. Robert Lilly (Northern Kentucky University) :Electronic Monitoring in the U.S. Since 2000: An Update

  • Mike Nellis (University of Strathclyde Glasgow) : Electronic Monitoring as Coerced Connectivity; explaining penal change in the context of digital innovation

16.00-16.15 : pause

  • Dominik Lehner (Head, Corrections Basel-City) : Debates and Consensus which led the European Council on its way to Recommendation(2014) on Electronic Monitoring


Mardi 12 janvier 2016 /Tuesday 12th January 2016

9.00 - 13.00 : Le PSE comme solution d’action publique et comme marché /EM as public policy and market:

  • Myriam Chapeaux (Anciennement cheffe de la mission de développement des aménagements de peine et de la surveillance électronique mobile, France) : L'accompagnement du développement de la surveillance électronique en France

  • Dan Kaminski (Université Catholique de Louvain-CRID&P) : La crédibilité pour seule efficacité ?

11.00h-11.15h : Pause

  • Craig Paterson (Sheffield Hallam University) : Shaping electronic monitoring markets

  • René Lévy (CNRS-CESDIP) : How effective is electronic monitoring ?

13.00-14.00 : Déjeuner/Lunch

14.00 -18.00 : Le PSE comme sanction/ EM as punishment:

  • Anthea Hucklesby (University of Leeds) : Pandora’s box? Electronic monitoring in Europe

  • Annie Kensey (Ministère de la Justice, DAP) et Anaïs Henneguelle (ENS Cachan-IDHES): L’évaluation du PSE en France

Pause: 16.00h-16.15h

  • Eleni Velentza (Université Catholique de Louvain-CRID&P) : “Greek debut for electronically monitored punishment: The processes and practices that bring to light a surveillance activity.Reflections on the first pilot program in Greece.

  • Rita Haverkamp (Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen) : The development of electronic monitoring in Germany: application, technology and trends

20.00 : diner/Dinner


Mercredi 13 janvier 2016/Wednesday 13th January 2016

9.00 –13.00 : Le PSE comme vécu/EM as experience

  • Marie-Sophie Devresse (Université Catholique de Louvain-CRID&P) : La surveillance électronique comme expérience singulière et plurielle. Etat des connaissances et perspectives de recherche

  • Delphine Vanhaelemeesch (Universiteit Gent-IRCP) : Virtual punishment: the experience of EM compared with imprisonment

Pause-café: 11.00h-11.15h

  • Christian Licoppe (Telecom ParisTech) et Sylvaine Tuncer (University of Oulu) : Managing location-based alarms in the context of electronic surveillance: an ethnographic approach.

  • Welliton Caixeta Maciel (CESDIP/NEVIS-UnB) :La surveillance électronique des délinquants au Brésil: perspectives du contrôle et redéfinition de la prison

13.00-14.00 : Déjeuner/Lunch

14.00-16.00 : Le PSE comme dispositif de surveillance/ EM as a surveillance device

  • Olivier Razac (Université Pierre-Mendès-France, Grenoble) : Le bracelet électronique et le développement de la neutralisation comme technique gouvernementale

  • Emily Troshynski (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) : Surveillance technologies and the carceral state: Mapping the delineations of control and exclusion.

16.00-16.15 : Clôture/End of conference


Le colloque « Le bracelet électronique : état des lieux, état des savoirs » aura lieu les 11, 12 et 13 janvier 2016 à Télécom ParisTech au 46 Rue Barrault, 75013 Paris


The symposium 'Electronic monitoring : current situation, current knowledge' will be held on the 11th,12th and 13th of January 2016 at Télécom ParisTech, 46 rue Barrault, 75013 Paris


  • Métro : ligne/line 6 (Corvisart)

  • RER : ligne/line B (Cité Universitaire)

  • Bus : ligne/line 62 (Vergniaud), 21 (Daviel) ou 67 (Bobillot)

  • Vélib' : stations 13022 (face aux 27 et 36, rue de la Butte aux Cailles), 13048 (face au 20, rue Wurtz) ou 13024 (face au 81, rue Bobillot)

  • Autolib' : 245, rue de Tolbiac - 189, rue de Tolbiac - 50, bd. Blanqui


Admission gratuite sous réserve d'inscription préalable.

Inscriptions obligatoires avant le 31 décembre 2015 sur :


(prenez soin d'inscrire nom, prénom, affiliation et email et d'apporter votre pièce d'identité)

Free admittance on prior registration.
Deadline for registration is 31 December 2015, on :

(please indicate your first and last name, email and institutional affiliation and make sure you will have your ID with you)


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